Friday, September 17, 2010

Surface Air Temperature over KL

Since I've missed a few Hurricane and Typhoon posts lately, today, I just want to post my small project, just for fun.
After my friend and probably others too, complaining the extraordinary heat at KL last Feb and March (and probably April too?), I've extracted this NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and made the anomaly analysis just to see whether there's temperature rise over KL early this year.

The graph showing us the difference between the average monthly and average of 30 years (1971-2000,climatology standard)...
.....which means, for the very first data in the first graph, is the air temp difference between average January 1971 and climatology average of January.
Note that, the temperature value analyzed is at 6UTC, or 2pm local time.

1.Average monthly anomalies (click for clear img)Air temperature anomalies over KL (monthly) from 1971-2010.
Climatology reference year is 1971-2000.

2.Average monthly anomalies (2008-2010)..(click for clear img)Air temperature anomalies over KL, for 2008-2010. Marked in red is the area referring to Feb,Mar,Apr,May 0f 2010, where the temperature seemed over average. (sorry for double legend there, :)...)

That's all I could write right now, `cause I need to get back to my work.

me: (!)this analysis is only for general information and not for decision making related to property protection,etc.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tropical Storm Mindulle


I've been meaning to post this before yesterday, but I was busy with something else..
Anyway, since the storm is over land, already, probably it is in decaying state now. It was started to speed up on 22nd Aug at northern part of South China Sea, moving forward to northern Vietnam. The depression developed into storm on 23rd Aug..
Storm developed offshore Northern Vietnam. Winds speed: 35knots

The storm landed over Vietnam on 24thAug:
closer look on 24th Aug. winds speed: 60 knots
decaying process, later on 24th..winds speed: 40 knots

Past and forecast track:

Summary from typhoon watch website:
Name Date Time(UTC) Lat Lon Wind(knots) Type
MINDULLE 22/08/2010 6:00 16.0N 114.2E 30 DEP
MINDULLE 22/08/2010 12:00 15.9N 113.4E 30 DEP
MINDULLE 22/08/2010 18:00 15.9N 112.1E 30 DEP
MINDULLE 23/08/2010 0:00 16.2N 111.0E 35 STO
MINDULLE 23/08/2010 6:00 16.1N 109.8E 40 STO
MINDULLE 23/08/2010 12:00 16.5N 108.9E 50 STO
MINDULLE 23/08/2010 18:00 17.2N 108.6E 55 STO
MINDULLE 24/08/2010 0:00 18.0N 107.2E 60 STO
MINDULLE 24/08/2010 6:00 18.6N 106.2E 55 STO
MINDULLE 24/08/2010 12:00 19.0N 105.5E 40 STO

Flood threaten northern Vietnam as the rainfall recorded as 13in within 24hr on 24th Aug, and between 12-18in by 25th.

Monday, August 16, 2010


currently I`m struggle finishing test on Walker Cell and Hadley cell, and reading basic stuff regarding Arctic Weather system and Mid-Latitude Weather system.
Pray for me to write something useful here someday soon..

me: can`t write what currently doing since i haven`t finished it yet..heeee~

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Classes and Research

yes..a little bit kerfuffle...with classes at MMD and then running my research and such.
and not to forget some other DISTRACTIONS...
well, thanks God, Prof finished his sabbatical and here already, and i've decided to move on with the current research as my Thesis topic and not the other topic (modelling) which means that I'm 25% done. wow..a few more tests and observation then i'm ready to start writing..and also struggling to write journal paper to be submitted to ISI journal (as one of the MPhil requirement....
Plus, the Geophysics class was twice cancelled. grrrr..
not to forget, classes at MMD really helpful with my research..great..

me: lovin' it!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

cannot wait for classes

cannot wait for classes...
Dynamic Meteorology
Physical Meteorology
Synoptic Meteorology
Tropical Meteorology
Geophysics and Tsunami
and Analysis and Weather Forecast!

me: I come...!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

some new idea for journal

i've got several new idea for journal writing...but , yet, i have little time to spend investigating 'em (at least until this July-after conference and also when my 'real' proposal done...)..well, since i'm under scholarship now, i feel more motivated- i hope this will last longer..heeehoooo~... don't get me wrong, the motivation can be towards a lot of thing, not only toward my research, which, my research is still the main reason i'm doing this...

if they were rejected, i will post some of the ideas here..that would be a great start and here is the best platform, i guess..

me: still under 'not enough sleep' influence.... still counting time to write something heavy in here..;p

Sunday, April 11, 2010


woah..this blog is 'spose to be a platform to write sth about earth science, my idea , etc etc...but i am too busy with everything..everything..haaaa...maybe later, after july perhaps? aor in between, i'll try to update, while updating my other blog..heh..

me: time to eat..lapar~

Saturday, April 10, 2010


three things in my mindd....
not to forget the scholarship thingy...
and possibility of one friend come to see what happening with PRECIS
but the WRF is running and each running gonna take 17 hours (give and take) - slow processor, por favor.
and there's 11 runs to, 11x17=187 hrs...yea baby!

me: tired eyes, staring at the LCD long enuf!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Innovation and Creativity Expo

I'll be at this expo for 3 afternoon...another time stealer of the month. anyhow, i'll try to enjoy the exhibition, since exhibition is not something new to me...and who knows, if there's a time where less people visiting, i can read something or do something...

Still, the progress, of the research....
since i cannot really relate the siberian high index ( pressure average) with Arctic Oscillation Index - correlation coefficient lower than i hope it would be (unless i made a mistake) - i've decided to look at different way..just see the average pressure at negative and positive AO. generally it gave some agreement with hypothesis, but ENSO index! gosh, i still cannot relate the SHI to ENSO with popular beliefs..argh

me: setting up booth now..

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Lack of them lately..urgh..
Now, 2 things in my mind...
1. teleconnection project
2. my dissertation

got my dissertation specific topic, but then, i need to finish this lagging teleconnection research. such a slooowwwwwwwwwwww...slow slow slow slow slow....sigh~

me: pls, motivation!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another GrADS probs..

huh...i've came across this prob before but since it was a few weeks ago (and i was in rushing, ) i did not found what alteration i did. but then, i just found the conflict. felt so silly..hahaha..

after finish doing gs file for 5 day average, and output the DAT file and read it with CTL file, this GS file created to print the single value in text file..

* untuk print index into text file

'open f:\ncep\scripts\work\slppentad\pentad_shi.ctl'


'set t 'pen (forgot to put this here,before!!! argh!!)
'set x 1 144'
'define av'pen '=aave(slpp,lon=80,lon=120,lat=40,lat=60)'



'd av'pen


me: too much things to think, i guess??

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Got one problem today while scripting in GrADS, in hand-on training. we are animating and printing streamline and rainfall information.
the script is like this (shorter version):

'open test1.ctl'

while (tt<74)
'set t'tt
'set gxout shaded'
'define rain = rainc+rainnc'
'set lev 1000'
'd rain'tt
'set lev 850'
'set gxout stream'
'd u;v'
'printim test'tt'.png white'
note that rain and rainnc data are available in level 1000 only.
and u;v data available in several atmospheric level (19 to be exact)

The output data works for t=2, but then the rain data became 'undefined' (for the rest of t)...
After a few time of figuring out how to solve the problem, we came with moving 'set lev 1000'
to above 'define rain=rainc+rainnc' ,

My theory is the 'define rain' data need also to be set to 'set lev 1000' for the 2nd looping, because the second execution bringing the value of level=850 (that being used for wind output) into the 'define rain', the defined 'rain' is now in value at 850 hPa, instead of level 1000...

so, we adjusted >>

'open test1.ctl'

while (tt<74)
'set t'tt
'set lev 1000'
'set gxout shaded'
'define rain = rainc+rainnc'
'd rain'tt
'set lev 850'
'set gxout stream'
'd u;v'
'printim test'tt'.png white'

me: GrADS help is so limited especially in simple-easy problem, i'll try to write something more complicated whenever i'm in intermediate-advanced level..hihihi

Monday, January 11, 2010

WRF training

Having training on January's weekend. Saturday and Sunday morning. WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting) and MM5 (Mesoscale Modelling).. Nice one. On weekend, because the trainers are from Malaysian Meteorological Dept, and they are working on weekdays.. anyhow, i'm looking forward for the end result of this training.. then i can start doing modelling! wow...can't wait (even though i feel lousy right now..aarrgghh!)

and currently doing training, accessing linux server system using windoes, xmanager. cool~