Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tropical Storm Mindulle


I've been meaning to post this before yesterday, but I was busy with something else..
Anyway, since the storm is over land, already, probably it is in decaying state now. It was started to speed up on 22nd Aug at northern part of South China Sea, moving forward to northern Vietnam. The depression developed into storm on 23rd Aug..
Storm developed offshore Northern Vietnam. Winds speed: 35knots

The storm landed over Vietnam on 24thAug:
closer look on 24th Aug. winds speed: 60 knots
decaying process, later on 24th..winds speed: 40 knots

Past and forecast track:

Summary from typhoon watch website:
Name Date Time(UTC) Lat Lon Wind(knots) Type
MINDULLE 22/08/2010 6:00 16.0N 114.2E 30 DEP
MINDULLE 22/08/2010 12:00 15.9N 113.4E 30 DEP
MINDULLE 22/08/2010 18:00 15.9N 112.1E 30 DEP
MINDULLE 23/08/2010 0:00 16.2N 111.0E 35 STO
MINDULLE 23/08/2010 6:00 16.1N 109.8E 40 STO
MINDULLE 23/08/2010 12:00 16.5N 108.9E 50 STO
MINDULLE 23/08/2010 18:00 17.2N 108.6E 55 STO
MINDULLE 24/08/2010 0:00 18.0N 107.2E 60 STO
MINDULLE 24/08/2010 6:00 18.6N 106.2E 55 STO
MINDULLE 24/08/2010 12:00 19.0N 105.5E 40 STO

Flood threaten northern Vietnam as the rainfall recorded as 13in within 24hr on 24th Aug, and between 12-18in by 25th.

Monday, August 16, 2010


currently I`m struggle finishing test on Walker Cell and Hadley cell, and reading basic stuff regarding Arctic Weather system and Mid-Latitude Weather system.
Pray for me to write something useful here someday soon..

me: can`t write what currently doing since i haven`t finished it yet..heeee~