Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Global Warming or Climate Change

originally read from this blog.

Saudi is expected to be covered with snow this may. May? almost summer, should it be OK? well, God can make anything happened. Saudi was covered with snow before, within early years, which is nothing odd about that.winter become colder, summer probably will be hotter..

it came to my mind that global warming may not even suitable to be used. Climate change is.

anyway, the Saudi and snow issue came to debate, where the meteorological service at Saudi forecasted the minimum temperature is 50 deg Celcius. 50? that's hot. we'll see the truth.


  1. I was there in May'08 with 47 deg Celcius...

  2. yea...that's why it's almost impossible. anyway, this is only forecast, and even if there are gonna be ice/snow brought to that place by storm from somewhere else covered with snow, the snow/hail probably melt before they reaching land.
