Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Current Doing

Yeah! Finally i can update this blog with some useful info by me..ha ha
Currently i'm doing pentad-climatology for Sea Level Pressure, and try to concentrate on longitude range 60oE to 140oE. and now doing some time series to see the pattern of the Siberian high. still in data-extraction stage. i hope can go so much faster. please 'distraction', leave me alone!
.......still having errors! AAARGHH!!
me: fast, faster!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

GrADS, AOGS2010, Thesis

Three things that i have to do in once...not yet including sculpturing my body! anyway, i just got task from Prof A, mapping some biological data..well, i like the work, just time to complete it may take for awhile, which will definitely have to share with time that i have to brainstorming the Abstract to be submitted for AOGS2010 (deadline is 1Dec) and considering and reading articles and journal, not to forget studying Dynamic Meteorology, MATLAB and looking back to C/C++ and statistics... wow, my life is full with study..yet i have to enjoy part of it so that i wont be 'regretting' for not doing so. especially going to gym and get the best shape of my life..

me:pray hard for a better life

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

PARMA and current typhoones

Directly copied from http://www.tropicalstormrisk.com/

Typhoon Parma

Storm Tracker Map

Current Typhoons

Current Data 24-hr Ahead Projections
8 Oct, 2009 4:29 GMT 9 Oct, 2009 4:29 GMT
LatLongWindCat LatLongWindCat
PARMA NW Pacific
17.3 N 122.0 E 30 kts TD 17.5 N 120.5 E 25 kts TD
MELOR NW Pacific
36.0 N 138.1 E 55 kts TS 42.8 N 148.5 E 40 kts TS
HENRI N Atlantic
19.5 N 59.7 W 30 kts TD 20.7 N 63.0 W 25 kts TD
Storm Tracker Map
Current Satellite Images
RegionImage Type
Atlantic IRVisible
Atlantic WVIR En
NE Pacific IRVisible
NW Pacific IRWV
Indian Ocean IRVisible
W Australia IRWV
E Australia IRWV
SW Pacific IRWV
Tropical Cyclone Windspeed Scale
StrengthCategory1 Minute Maximum Sustained Winds
Tropical DepressionTD<34<39<63
Tropical StormTS34-6339-7363-118
Hurricane Cat 164-8274-95119-153
Hurricane Cat 283-9596-110154-177
Intense Hurricane Cat 396-113111-130178-210
Intense Hurricane Cat 4114-135131-155211-250
Intense Hurricane Cat 5>135>155>250

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


oh-keeyyhh...i am now brainstorming what to write (essential items) in 3 topics i am suppose to start writing, Siberian High,ENSO and Arctic Oscillation. and after that ( or during) i will start relating it to the malaysian NE monsoon. (>.<) Sooo many!

me: Feels like i've been brainstorming since 3 months ago! huhu..o yeah, i was distracted by learning Dynamic meteorology by myself and scripting...essential knowledge though. Vectors!! OMG. i need to brush up my vector knowledge. grrr!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It's been about 3 months...i have produce nothing. i should have done at least a quarter of it. and study on your own is soooooooooooooo.....oooooooooo slow, and i missed a guide from a person named TEACHER. Anyhow anyway, i need to push myself further...Ganbatteeee!!!!!

me: hup hup huuppp!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Anomaly- GrADS and Scripting

I've been doing this for this week (and last week)...now, i need to do a control file that grab the data and save it...(..and now i'm confused. what should i do next?? i should ask Mr.O...)

* Long Term Mean Skin Temperature, NCEP/NCAR data taken from cdc.noaa.gov
* ////////////////////////////////////

'sdfopen f:\ncep\skt.temp\skt.mon.mean.nc'
'set lat -60 80'
'set lon 80 300'
* calculating mean by month*
'define atmpjan = ave(skt,t=361,t=732,12)'
'define atmpfeb = ave(skt,t=362,t=732,12)'
'define atmpmar = ave(skt,t=363,t=732,12)'
'define atmpapr = ave(skt,t=364,t=732,12)'
'define atmpmay = ave(skt,t=365,t=732,12)'
'define atmpjun = ave(skt,t=366,t=732,12)'
'define atmpjul = ave(skt,t=367,t=732,12)'
'define atmpaug = ave(skt,t=368,t=732,12)'
'define atmpsep = ave(skt,t=369,t=732,12)'
'define atmpoct = ave(skt,t=370,t=732,12)'
'define atmpnov = ave(skt,t=371,t=732,12)'
'define atmpdec = ave(skt,t=372,t=732,12)'
* calculating diff for respective month
* for interested year. let 2008
* time index start with t=372 until t=732

'define djan08 = skt(t=721) - atmpjan'
'define dfeb08 = skt(t=722) - atmpfeb'
'define dmar08 = skt(t=723) - atmpmar'
'define dapr08 = skt(t=724) - atmpapr'
'define dmay08 = skt(t=725) - atmpmay'
'define djun08 = skt(t=726) - atmpjun'
'define djul08 = skt(t=727) - atmpjul'
'define daug08 = skt(t=728) - atmpaug'
'define dsep08 = skt(t=729) - atmpsep'
'define doct08 = skt(t=730) - atmpoct'
'define dnov08 = skt(t=731) - atmpnov'
'define ddec08 = skt(t=732) - atmpdec'
while (p=1)
prompt "Enter the time index "
pull tindex
prompt "Enter the month "
pull mth

'set gxout contour'
'set csmooth on'
'set cint 0.5'
'define diffx = skt(t='tindex') - atmp'mth''
'd diffx'
'run basemap L 0 1 M'

prompt "continue? ( 1 to end 0 to cont) "
pull resp

if ( resp = 1)
p = p + resp


it's quite easy actually, but without strong basic it's damn confusing. anyway, manipulating it for real life use can be very confusing. well, i need to learn this a lot more. (including all the AO, ENSO writing and Dynamic meteorology stuff)

me: _"(x.x)__

Sunday, August 9, 2009

my Workstation @ NARC

A.K.A my table at National Antarctic Research Center..LOL

Thursday, July 30, 2009


this page is so slow to load! sicko!

Anyway, while i was doing thing on GrADS and reading essentials of meteorology, a lot of thing came into my mind. well, finally i asked my currently supervisor, about the financial-assistanship offer from U.K.M. He said, he won't hold any of his student to stayu there long but adviced me to at least stay there for better exposure. and i said, of course i will at least finish my MPhil at U.M first, before I can go anywhere i chose to. The exposures he meant are so great, he said that he has connection with cambridge and univ of washington, i i need a reference for my PhD in the future. Wow, that's early right? even my MPhil's offer letter is still pending.

Good to know that, i [most probably] having job after finishing MPhil and later PhD.

In the mean time, i need to at least take a glimps of which uni i'll go for PhD. since i need to be in Math department [not earth science like i was planned way before i finished my BSc],i came across a lot of interesting applied maths field they offer, especially in modelling climate, atmosphere and enviroment. Right now, i have three uni that i will consider. Univ of Washington, Austalian National University and University of New South Wales. they have an interesting interdepartment research, which combined my both interest, maths and meteorology.
anyway, i was thinking, is it possible if they support me for graduate degree before i go for PhD...?
i pray to God that everything will be fine, and give me strength to make all this happen.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Workshop on Hydrologic Data Management and Modelling in South East Asia

I am attending this workshop this week, well as a secretariat but since they have vacant computers, so, I should not let this opportunity just passed. anyway, the presenters are actually from Univ of California,San Diego, apparently under San Diego Supercomputer Center.

This workshop anyway more to hydro information and of course data management. so, not directly related to my field of study, but i am trying to extract information as much as i can from this one week workshop. especially the model they use.

most of the participants are from South East Asian countries, representing their institutions and agencies.

Great thanks to Dr Ilya Zavlasky, Dr Tom Whitenack from SDSC, California, for this informative workshop. and other participants including Dr Dave, from UCSD.

me: remember how Prof Ganikhodjaev pronounce "have" exactly the same as Dr Zavlasky does! LOL...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

First Hands-On lesson

I am so excited 'bout this.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

First day of ...kind of ..new life....

First day? nothing much. except that i have to run from NARC to Geo Dept and sweating like hell. Then went back to NARC [luckily by bus]. And good thing to hear from Prof Azizan is, he will sent me to a Training on MM5 and another new program for weather modelling at malaysian meteorological Dept at date soon-to-be-told. Currently, i just get familiarize myself with meteorology and atmospheric science stuff..hoho... and he expected that I will be able to simulate the weather system [as an outcome for the research], which i am sooo nervous about it..haha..owh..it's not nervous! it's adrenalin!!

oh yea..i stopped by at Bank Islam UM branch for awhile, to transfer my money. then, apparently my data in the bank server still "staff account", and need an offiver to override the transaction, the teller asked me
"siapa fadzil?"
"owh..staff bank islam ke?"
then the conversation just went on and on... and I actually felt acknowledged by them. wah~ what a great feeling..hahahahahahahahaha... the officer actually knew that one of 'uia branch' staff will come to UM for study, thanks to my ex-boss for telling the whole branches..ciss...

me: lalalala~

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First Day

Alhamdulillah, finally I got into National Antarctic Research Center, not being an officer, but as a research assistant. It's a good start isn't it? I hope so. So, this morning, I have to finish up two forms and required the head of the research to sign. i haven't got on line with him yet but I will definitely try to do this as soon as possible. yesterday, I called him, and he said that he will send me to Malaysian Meteorological Department for MM5 training. So, I am so excited to go. the training will held on...err...around two or three weeks from now. so i guess, before that I will be clueless, staying here alone. hmm.. maybe i should reads something for my upcoming master.

me: clueless~

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another Delay

I called IPPP today, and of course, i should expect the dissatisfied answer from them. This time, they told me that she can't look at the application, as the person in charge was on leave and the door is locked. i was totally freak out and upset, and was almost having anxiety attack! my chest was sooooo heavy, i couldn't breath easily. anyhow, i managed to get out of the office and found my way to cafe, to get some coffee, food and chocolate. eating is the best way to disturb my mind from thinking this shit. God....i should watch what i eat... fadzil! remember, one of your goal is to be FIT, not FAT!

well, the delay, hopefully, only until tomorrow, as she asked me to call her tomorrow
"first thing i will do tomorrow morning is to check your application" she said.
yea rite. i hope she meant what she said. i am crying dying hanging my head about this thing...or, i will find a way to do Meteorology no matter in malaysia or abroad...I WILL...

one thing that is not really surprise actually, i am never ever regret quitting banking. really, it wasn't what i want to do for the rest of my life. that's why i took ICT instead if Management Sc for my Minor courses, aite? well, i really want to be in meteorology field, no matter doing reserch [which intriguing..] or teaching it. or even applied math to meteorology would be so fun..yeah, what the hell, i will not stop until i get what i want. Don't Stop!

me: O Allah, forgive me, and grant me your rahmah..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This Thursday

well, i am expecting an answer on this Thursday regarding my application on Research Assistant at University Malaya. Either at Inst. of Oceanography and Earth Science or National Antarctic Center, I have no idea. But, it will definitely about meteorology involving climate modelling which is really intriguing...
Pray hard for this opportunity so then i will clearly see my future target.
God, help me...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Is Climate Change Normal?

from this blog.

Is climate change is a natural call? apparently, the earth's atmosphere condition/ climate has been in changing since the creation. ice age came and gone.

the blogger claimed that in the medieval warmer time, the earth temperature is higher than now. and currently earth temperature has not increase since 1998.

one funny thing bout the term change,
greenhouse effects -> global warming -> climate change -> carbon footprint...

what is carbon footprint anyway?
A carbon footprint is "the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product" (UK Carbon Trust 2008).

i.e. using fossil fuel to release energy which results pollution...

me: solely from skimming the text..probably need sources to write compact post on this issue..haha

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Global Warming or Climate Change

originally read from this blog.

Saudi is expected to be covered with snow this may. May? almost summer, should it be OK? well, God can make anything happened. Saudi was covered with snow before, within early years, which is nothing odd about that.winter become colder, summer probably will be hotter..

it came to my mind that global warming may not even suitable to be used. Climate change is.

anyway, the Saudi and snow issue came to debate, where the meteorological service at Saudi forecasted the minimum temperature is 50 deg Celcius. 50? that's hot. we'll see the truth.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hotness and RA-ship

Noticable warm and hot here in Malaysia, probably because of the summer monsoon coming. I'm still waiting any information bout this anomalies temperature. well, anyway, my M.Phil application is still pending. Apparently because of the summer monsoon coming. I'm still waiting the information about this.

Anyway, my M.Phil application still pending. Apparently, the second reviewer still hasn't send the report to the administration. So, I told my supervisor-to-be, and he will try to push it. It's Ok, i hope everything will be fine. Just worried about my scholarship.
However,he will try to push my Research Assistantship as early as June to start.
That's great. I certainly hope that i will be in meteorology circle so the faster I get involve in it, the faster I can read and write about it. Current job so not giving me a lot of chance to read a lot about meteorology. Too many things to do.

Still looking waht informative post to be post here.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Late Welcome

Welcome to this Amature Earth Science blog. In early posts, it's gonna be a mix of various earth science topics, but probably, after a few months, it's gonna be a lot of climate and meteorology topics.

Well, this is a place for me to express my idea regarding Earth Science. Hopefully this can add up to many informative articles in the Internet.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mild Earthquake in Malaysia on 27 March 09

If any of you still don't know about this quite an old story, there was a mild earthquake at Pahang.

First time [I heard] about an earthquake centered in peninsular Malaysia. Seismologist need to do something here. The earthquake centered at 65Km northeast Bentong, Pahang , at a 3.0 scalar Richter [brunei.fm], caused no damaged.

On April 7, 2009, there was a moderate earthquake occurred [magnitude 5.5 on Richter scale] in Banda sea, Indonesia at 9.30 pm. The earthquake epicenter is located at 6.5south latitude and 129.6 east longitude, 1755km from southeast of Tawau, Sabah [jkc.gov.my]

Additional Information:
Yesterday's Earthquakes [myforecast.com]

and latest earthquakes from Malaysian Meteorological Dept :

Monday, April 6, 2009

Italia Earthquake

Pilot Post.

Italy Earthquake claims 150 dead and 1500 injured.
